30 min
88 Australian dollars30 min
88 Australian dollars30 min
98 Australian dollars30 min
88 Australian dollars30 min
88 Australian dollars30 min
98 Australian dollars30 min
88 Australian dollars30 min
88 Australian dollars30 min
92 Australian dollars30 min
92 Australian dollars30 min
98 Australian dollars30 min
88 Australian dollars30 min
88 Australian dollars30 min
88 Australian dollars30 min
88 Australian dollars30 min
88 Australian dollars30 min
98 Australian dollars30 min
88 Australian dollars30 min
98 Australian dollars1 hr
88 Australian dollars1 hr
88 Australian dollars
Pick a cake and select a date when you want your cake. Within the selected date, click an available time and select CakePickUp (any option) whenever prompted to "Choose Staff". To see all available times, keep "All Staff" selected (default option) when viewing the calendar.
You have a one-hour window to pick up your cake, beginning at the time selected up to 60 min after. To change date or time before clicking the "Confirm Date/Time" button, simply click on any other available option.
After confirming date/time, enter your details (a name, email and phone number are required). Click "Log-in" on the upper-right corner of the screen to save your details for future orders.
Please read and review our cancellation policy which you accept if you proceed with your order. Orders must be pre-paid in full.
Clicking "Pay Now" will take you to Paypal where you can enter a credit or debit card number or log-on to your Paypal account. Ignore shipping addresses.
After making a payment, you will return to our website and should receive an email confirmation of your payment shortly.
Use of FOR STOCKISTS ONLY by anyone with whom we don't have a standing arrangement will result in a refund, subject to a A$10.00 processing fee.
For a more old school experience, or to order 3 or more cakes for the same date, you may email us on orders@spreadpastry.com.au at least 72 hours in advance and we'll do our best to accommodate your request.